The influential financier said: This is America’s biggest problem right now

The influential financier said: This is America’s biggest problem right now

Ray Dalio Abu-Dhabiban spoke At a conference there He criticized both the Republican and Democratic parties. In his opinion, the flag-bearer of both parties, Donald Trump or Joe Biden, “is surrounded by controversy, even within his own party.” Biden has been criticized for his ageism and Trump for his actions against him and the Capitol blockade. Dalio still expects an “alternative candidate” to emerge from the Republican ranks.

For the country to be healthy, I think it is necessary to unite both parties to form a strong, moderate core.

Dalio believes.

The legendary investor believes It is necessary to alienate “those who represent radical political views”, And the cooperation of moderate politicians to solve America’s real problems must be strengthened.

According to Dalio, the issue of wealth inequality is now more serious.

Differences in wealth actually mean differences in productivity as well. You have to get more out of people, you have to make them productive. Just giving them money is not enough.”

Dalio believes.

Ray Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater Associates hedge fund, one of the world’s largest private equity funds. According to November data, the fund manager manages $124 billion, and Dalio’s personal fortune is estimated at $15.4 billion.

Cover image credit: Eugene Gologursky/Getty Images for Fast Company

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