The Icelandic parliament votes in droves to ban “therapeutic treatment” for gays |  At home and abroad

The Icelandic parliament votes in droves to ban “therapeutic treatment” for gays | At home and abroad

No member of parliament in Iceland voted against the motion. Only 3 out of 56 deputies abstained from voting.

Hanna Katrin Fredriksson, the member of parliament who proposed the ban, defended it, according to Icelander modes that the homeopathic panacea “is based solely on ignorance which should have no place in our society”.

According to journalist Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir, who specializes in Icelandic LGBTI rights, there has been No resistance against the law. But Parliament rejected their arguments as “unscientific”.

Physical and psychological coercion during curative treatment

Healers who use reflexology claim that they can get rid of homosexuality. Doctors around the world have condemned treatments using psychological and physical coercion during these pathways.

Sometimes, gays and lesbians have to undergo ECT. There is no scientific evidence that LGBTI people can become straight through these methods.

The United Nations has called for this form of treatment to be abolished worldwide. 98 percent of all homosexuals who have undergone this type of treatment have suffered serious psychological damage, developed depression or even suicidal thoughts. This was shown by research conducted by the United Nations.

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