The frog accelerates growth under the wings of the Capgemini invention

The frog accelerates growth under the wings of the Capgemini invention

The design and creative consulting frog has made significant progress since joining the Capgemini Invent. The company now employs more than 2,000 professionals worldwide.

Headquartered in San Francisco, Frog has been a part of Capgemini since June 2019. The company first merged with a French IT company as part of a mega acquisition of Ultron (for 3.6 billion). Two years ago, the frog joined Ultron.

In the summer of this year, Frog (along with another Ultron subsidiary, Cambridge Consultants) became part of the global IT consulting firm Capgemini Invent, a management consulting firm. This allowed Frog to join like-minded, creative affiliates: Fahrenheit 212, Ideon en June 21. All three companies merged into Capgemini between 2016 and 2019 and recently began working under the Frog banner.

The frog accelerates growth under the wings of the Capgemini invention

Frog today employs 2,000 creative strategists, data scientists, consultants and technologists in 35 design and innovation studios around the world. “The frog is now the home of a wider community, all of which is driven to improve the current situation and create transformative human experiences,” said Andy Zimmerman, managing director and chairman of Capgemini Invent in North America.

By improving Capgemini Invent’s strategic and business capabilities, the design and creative consulting firm can now deliver even more value to its customers, said Zimmerman, who has been with Frog for nearly a decade.

“Integrating a thriving frog culture with ideas and solutions, Capgemini Invent’s ability to deliver innovative and transformative services on a scale is a fantastic development for Frog. It helps our customers build their identity by creating new businesses, creating new products and challenging the status quo.”

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Founded in 1969, Frog has contributed to many of the greatest inventions and product releases in modern history over the years. It did so by partnering with brands such as Apple, Audi, British Telecom, General Electric, Pfizer and Unicef. Zimmerman: “Our expanded capabilities are already being used to assist customers in innovating new products and experiences.”

Cyril Garcia, CEO of Capgemini Invent, said: “As part of Capgemini’s invention, frog size and technical expertise have been taken to another level. Partner Frog, the choice to implement customer-centric transformations, offers customers new engineering design expertise and an advanced presence in Europe, North America and Asia.

Globally, Capgemini Invent employs over 10,000 professionals and Capgemini’s business generates over $ 1 billion in revenue.

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