The Dutch Film Fund invests 11.4 million euros in 28 new productions and 7 high-end series

The Dutch Film Fund invests 11.4 million euros in 28 new productions and 7 high-end series

The agency’s contributions are expected to generate more than €43.7 million in production expenditures in the Netherlands

Behind the scenes on set Van der Valk

This month , Dutch movie box The names of the beneficiaries of the second round of Dutch film production incentives are known. On this occasion, the agency will support 35 new projects with a total value of 11.4 million euros. More precisely, the grants will finance the production of 22 films, five documentaries, an animated film, six drama series and one documentary series, including 22 international co-productions. It is estimated that these contributions will generate more than €43.7 million in production expenditures in the Netherlands.

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necklace chain

The biggest winner on this funding list is the 3×90 . drama series Van der Valk (grant recipient €1,131,404), written by British writers Chris Murray in a Maria WardIt was organized by a British television company in Dutch uniform NL & TV movie. The other five drama series supported by the organization are Olhawk team8 x 48 Arcadia (300,000 euros, produced by Jonnydepony from Belgium and Big Blue Productions from the Netherlands), Lauren Block in a Edson da Conceicao5 x 50 Collide (€951,336, offer from Big Blue Productions), Thomas Seberg Turgusen10 x 20 dome 16 (73 thousand euros produced by the Norway company Thunder movie co-produced with Big Blue Productions), micmin klinkspur10 x 10 little noise (274,496 euros, organized by Liming movie فيلم) and the third season of Let it be Hermannides in a Alieke van Saarloos10 x 25 ninja babysitter (497,400 euros produced by Storytellers Film & TV). The only non-fiction series supported by the box is Thomas Canoe4 x 45 seasons (182,384 euros, made by de Heine).

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The other five real-world projects that are supported by the authority are all distinguished: Joris Postima‘s The last lie dance (56,673 euros production Doxy . movies), Barbara Minga‘s Grotto what is here (115,577 euros, a mat film Produce), Loretta van der Horst‘s Green line (97,136 euros production tangerine tree), Maria Augusta RamosJustice is in doubt (57,299 euros, produced by the Brazilian company Nofoco Filmes and co-produced by Germany Gebroder Betz Filmproduktion Keulen the Dutch Docmakers) and Borden reaper‘s Yazidi girls – a new life (85,361 euros production depth of field).

Meanwhile, the 22 supported functions are: Sander Burger‘s totem (448,770 euros, production festive movies Co-produced by Luxembourg tarantula and Germany Unfortunately the wolf), Aaron RokusApollo (316,430 euros, Topkapi movies an offer), Sahim Omar Kalifa‘s Baghdad Messi (106,273 euros produced by the Belgium company production team It was jointly produced by a Dutch company column film), Camille Chouinard‘s Big man (342,879 euros, organized by Episode movie Co-produced with Germany Ostlicht film production), Annick Hotman‘s the book of everything (€380,735, produced by Dutch Fashion vetproductie in a Cape Holland movie with the image of white Latvia), Lucas Donut‘s Close (83,916 euros, produced by Belgium Menuet With Topkapi Films, Belgium vs production and France Divana), Aurora Juicy‘s danskoorts (169.086 euros produced by Norway .) Pictures from Oslo and produced by Phanta Basta!), Diederik Van Rowen‘s prediction (€228,119, a British-Dutch-Belgian co-production produced by the United Kingdom golf movie, Belgium private view and the Dutch film Leeming), Manin de Wilde‘s burgundy (€422.785, produced by the Dutch companies Phanta Film and Goldman Film), Jessica Woodworth‘s Castle (€80,100, LED production PO . movies Co-produced with Folia Films of the Netherlands, together with the Armenian-Belgian Dokino Companyino beluga tree, Bulgaria Kind of party and Italy Santo movies), Anna Van Kimbima‘s Lucky (€49,999, Dutch regulations Tom from Mall Productions), Gil de Jong‘s home direction (547,313 euros, production rocking pictures With Belgian partners in Menuetto movie), Milo Manshefsky‘s sliding (63,113 euros, organized by Macedonia Banana movie In cooperation with Denmark dead movieCroatia very good production and the Netherlands N279 Entertainment), Omar Razzaq |‘s kill crabs (78,435 euros, organized by Spain Tourmalt Movies With Dutch partners in ice water movies), Froggy Tan‘s kung fu lion (422,394 euros, Dutch-Chinese co-production of Wonderful movie Chinese movie), Jaap Van Heusden‘s The man from Rome (414,349 euros, direction of IJswater films with Germany Fiction Park), Taluh Schwab‘s Mr. K (713,558 euros, produced by movie kitchen and Belgium’s own opinion), Will Copeman‘s take me with you (€533.912), directed by NL Film & TV and co-produced by Belgium dirty), Bim van Hoof‘s Pirate Across the Street – 2 (€544.342, Johan Nijenhuis & Co an offer), Albert Jan Van Risssummer in France (234 thousand euros) 2CFILM Produce), Inna Sindejarvik‘s Sweet dream (527,816 euros, produced by Lemming Film and Sweden’s .) platform production) in a Lillian Sigbizma‘s under the open sky (€227,559, Dutch-Belgian co-production of Revolver Film and Herzele serendipity movies).

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Finally, the only animated feature that the scholarship will have is: Fernando Truba in a Javier Mariscal‘s They shot the pianist (198,268 euros, production Spain Fernando Tropa Productions Co-produced by France movies from here, Animanostra Cam Lda (Portuguese) and Dutch Submarine Animation Studio).

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