Telesur and Medical Mission working together to combat COVID-19

Telesur and Medical Mission working together to combat COVID-19

New cases of COVID-19 in Suriname, 17 people recovered

Telesur has partnered with the Medical Mission in Suriname. This collaboration means that they deal with conveying facts and myths about the COVID virus in different languages ​​and making sure that it reaches the target groups through different media.

“We ask people from the communities to speak for themselves and provide the correct explanation to our citizens. We also help communicate vaccination days and locations,” says Janice Asraf, PR at Telesur. The company also helps ensure that the coastal plain community is not only getting the right information, Rather, all citizens have access and can make their own decisions based on facts.

The projects implemented so far are communication in different languages ​​through different radio and television channels. The Bawaka Vaccination Day was also broadcast, so that members of the local communities could also speak for themselves and share their experiences. “We noticed that a lot of people in Powakka responded to the campaign. Now we have to see how things went elsewhere.” The carrier will continue to communicate and will also come up with interesting promotions that people can take advantage of.

Since the emergence of the Covid-19 virus in Suriname, Telesur has supported the health sector in various ways in the fight against this virus. For example, the company donated personal protective equipment to hospitals and helped organize television broadcasts in cooperation with SU4Su, which was broadcast free of charge via ATV. Telesur also thought about health workers from the ICU from the ground up on peak days. “The health of the community is very close to our hearts. We also heard the cry for help from the medical mission and decided to support them especially in the communication part and making sure that the different communities inside have access to information from trusted agencies in their language.”

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Telesur has begun to provide assistance with other agencies to combat the COVID-19 virus. It also gives the community the opportunity to indicate the information they want, so that the carrier can ask the professionals to answer it. Asraf hopes this will be a boost for the community to also contribute and see what more can be done to combat the disease.

Although it is recommended to vaccinate yourself, it is and still is a free option. “We hope that people will choose to protect themselves and the community so that we can enjoy more freedoms in daily life and no longer have to lose loved ones to this terrible disease,” Asraf said.

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