Team Fortress 2 update should fix persistent server errors and server sabotage – Games – News

Valve has released another update for Team Fortress 2, this time to combat common forms of server tampering. In particular, the use of “lagbots” is invalidated by setting up a new server.

Server hosts can post a file new update Through server command net_chan_limit_msec Limit the time a server can spend on processing packet sent by a player. When a player needs a large amount of computing power on the server, it is automatically removed from the game.

This setting is a direct answer to the lagbot issue in Team Fortress 2; Critics say cheaters and other malicious users have been able to down servers unimpeded for years. This was often done when a file vote kickProceedings against an alleged fraudulent person. A server crash simply cannot prevent a cheater. Now it happens automatically when a malicious player or bot launches a lagbot, a kind of ddos ​​attack on the server.

Furthermore, Valve is adding a diagnostic feature to Team Fortress 2. Server hosts can use the . command net_chan_stats_dump Request statistics of players on the server. This relates to information such as messages sent, bandwidth, and CPU processing time. Based on this, hosts can easily identify malicious operators and possibly block them manually.

The update in question is a sequel to The update was released at the end of June In response to persistent issues with bots and cheaters. Both updates come in response from Valve to requests from Team Fortress 2 fans to address a long-running cheating and bot issue within the competitive shooter. So the fans started Transfer #SaveTF2

Despite the great age of Team Fortress 2, the 2007 game still attracts a large audience via Steam. Almost a year ago, another Register a new player† Also in July of 2022, the shooter was always in the top 10 most played games on Steam, according to Numbers from SteamDB

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