Survey: Citizens of the United States are more religious during epidemics

Survey: Citizens of the United States are more religious during epidemics

The survey found that Americans were more religious during the epidemic

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Washington DC – The United States has recently experienced a number of trends towards secularism. This includes an increase in the number of people who do not identify with any religion. In addition, fewer and fewer people said they regularly attended church or other places of worship.

However, religion continues to play a strong role in life United States Than many economically developed countries.

For example, almost half of Americans (49 percent) say religion is very important in their lives.

As the epidemic continues to cause deaths and disrupt billions of lives worldwide, people may support religious groups, family, friends, co-workers or other social networks.

A Pew Research Center study conducted in the summer of 2020 found that the eruption of more Americans than other economically developed countries strengthened their religious beliefs and the beliefs of their peers.

Three out of ten Americans (28 percent) report strong personal beliefs about the epidemic. Meanwhile, others in the same category argue that the religious beliefs of Americans as a whole have been strengthened, according to a survey of 14 economically developed countries.

Several previous studies have found an increase in religious observance after people experienced a catastrophe. A Pew Research Center report released in October 2020 states that one-third (35 percent) of Americans learn one or more lessons from the plague God.

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