Strange photos: dead and missing after a landslide in North Rhine-Westphalia |  abroad

Strange photos: dead and missing after a landslide in North Rhine-Westphalia | abroad

It is unknown how many people died. It is also not clear how many people are missing. Because of the severe weather, the homes in Erfstadt-Blessem were flooded and a number of them collapsed.

Rescue is often not possible

According to local authorities, emergency calls are made from homes, but rescue is often not possible. On-site emergency service. According to German media, there are not enough rescue workers, and their work is hampered by an irreparable gas leak.

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Flooding is a top priority for the army

German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said on Friday that rescue operations in flood-affected areas are a top priority for the German military. Temporarily halted all military activities not directly related to foreign missions.

Soldiers support the rescue operations with about five hundred men in North Rhine-Westphalia and at least two hundred in the Rhineland-Palatinate. They rescue people, evacuate buildings, distribute fuel and sandbags, while police work to provide protection and prevent looting.

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