Sports clubs puzzle with age limitation and curfew |  right Now

Sports clubs puzzle with age limitation and curfew | right Now

It’s not easy for sports clubs to give all teams space to train these days. This is notable, among other things, by the KNHB Hockey Association. The curfew and age limit for sports in groups lead to puzzles between sports clubs.

“Of course we really had to take into account the curfew, and now it is also possible to play sports in groups up to the age of 27. Everyone is very happy about this, but it is kind of a puzzle for the clubs,” a spokesperson for the Hockey League.

Many senior teams often train late into the night. Due to the curfew, many clubs are now trying to give these training a place alongside the training of youth teams. “Now also a lot is used on Saturday and Sunday. On those days, matches are held normally, but they are not allowed yet. Clubs can use this space for training,” a spokeswoman for the National Football Association said.

According to the spokesperson, not many questions have been received from clubs about the age limit. “It’s not a very logical limit and it’s sad that players aged 27 and over still have to train in pairs as much as possible, but the rule is clear to everyone. Hopefully things will change soon.”

Sports according to the protocol should give more space

Korfball KNKV believes in creating more space for athletes quickly. The association wants more space for athletes 27 or older and for indoor sports. The union says the data shows this is possible. In addition, exercise should be carried out according to a protocol derived from the protocol for major sports, says KNKV director Kais Rudenburg.

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According to Rodenborg, it is safe to play sports according to this protocol, according to data from the Korfball League, the highest korfball competition in the Netherlands. It started again in mid-January.

“Of course, KNKV understands that it is not yet possible to play the entire competition in all categories,” Rudenburg continues. “The Corvall League is concerned with only six matches out of 3,000 each week. The increase in travel movements can only be achieved if the number of new infections decreases dramatically.”

At KNKV they have field and internal competition. The federation hopes that the cabinet will decide on March 8 to allow training on the field again, also for athletes 27 years of age or older. “Who knows what is possible after that.”

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