Sony confirms: PSVR games are not playable on PSVR2 – Games – News

I once bought a PSVR by chance (I got into intertoys for budget box games, and took home the starter kit for €249) just hoping to be able to play WipEout in VR someday. Half a year later it happened. Massive, perfect for virtual reality and perfectly tuned to the precision of glasses. I can also play WipEout Omega on my PS5 on a big 4K screen, or on my PS4 with a Full HD device over two and a half meters diagonally, but it all dwarfs after you play the game in VR.

Of course it should be your game. It’s been my favorite series on PS1 since 2097, then all of a sudden via a free update…perfect. Better than hoped, it doesn’t happen to me very often.

So yeah, hopefully again now. Once WipEout for PSVR 2 is announced, I’ll get the set right away.

Besides WipEout, I’ve only played cockpit games, which makes perfect sense with VR, and luckily I’ve never had motion sickness. DriveClub with steering wheel was fun, especially in open cars, and with the simple Hotas 4, I really enjoyed the StarWars Squadrons and especially the three Ace Combat VR missions. I still regularly board the fighter plane, just in the air for fifteen minutes of Arcade dogfighting in VR. It’s still fun.

So WipEout please, and Ace Combat is complete with Hotas support. I don’t care what it will cost.

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