Software Update: Debian GNU / Linux 11.4 – Computer – Downloads

Debian logo (80px) Debian is an open source operating system, which can be used for both desktop and server computers, with an emphasis on stability and security. Therefore it is used as the basis for various Linux distributions, including Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Version 11.x, codenamed “Accurate hit of the target‘I have been given is what is called Long term supportVersion and will be updated over the next five years. More info about version 11 running Our first page to find. The release notes for this fourth update can be found below:

Debian 11:11.4 updated released

The Debian Project is pleased to announce the fourth update to its stable distribution Debian 11 (codename Accurate hit of the target† This bulleted release primarily adds fixes for security issues, along with some tweaks for serious issues. Security warnings are already posted separately and are referenced when available.

Please note that the bulleted version is not a new version of Debian 11 but only updates some of the included packages. There is no need to get rid of the old Accurate hit of the target The media. After installation, packages can be upgraded to the current versions using the updated Debian mirror.

Those who frequently install updates from will not have to update many packages, and most of these updates are included in the bulleted version.

New install images will soon be available on regular sites. An existing installation can be upgraded to this revision by pointing the package management system to one of several Debian systems HTTP mirrors

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