Scientists are surprised by a series of major earthquakes in Afghanistan
Afghan men search for victims after the earthquake that struck Herat province.AP photo This week,
Afghan men search for victims after the earthquake that struck Herat province.AP photo This week,
A promising study shows that artificial intelligence (AI) is better at breast cancer screening than
If the coin starts with a tailspin, there is a 51 percent chance that it
She suffers from a headache and immediately seeks pain relief. raises the question whether
Nine farmers’ organizations criticized Wageningen’s report “WUR’s views on agriculture, food and nature”. In an
Where does this news come from? Loose glitter is made of small pieces of plastic
Sleep is usually thought of as a state in which the body and mind are
A good night’s sleep: For some people the window is slightly open, for others the
With this new project Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) Nature Management Organizations (Parks) & Aruba
In the world of obesity diagnosis and treatment, body mass index (BMI) has been central