Appointment of the Chair of the Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council | news item
news item | 11-03-2022 | 14:30 Dr. EEW (Eppo) Bruins has become Chair of the
news item | 11-03-2022 | 14:30 Dr. EEW (Eppo) Bruins has become Chair of the
One of the most powerful forms of solar storms, coronal mass emission (CME), occurs when
Forget the mammoth: Researchers wondered if the extinct Christmas Island mouse could be revived. I
Our sun is in a quiet suburb, but the center, about 27,000 light-years away, is
A devastating meteorite impact on Greenland discovered in 2018 has not occurred sometime in the
Scientists from eight European countries analyzed more than 7,000 recordings of snoring pigs. Using an
picture: For example, we know the megalodon monster from movies such as “The Meg”. Scientifically,
Eight seals helped Japanese researchers study the waters beneath Antarctica’s thick ice sheets. Each of
Australian researchers have developed a new DNA test that can detect a large number of
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Job titleDo you get energy from backing the plate