Riot brings League of Legends and Valorant to the Epic Games Store, among others – Games – News

Riot’s free-to-play titles League of Legends, Valorant, Teamfight Tactics, and Legends of Runeterra has been made available on the Epic Game Store. These add-ons are part of Riot’s marketing campaign to promote the Netflix Arcane series.

To play games through the Epic Games online store, Do players need a Riot client. This center This is where Riots games can be started. Installing any of the games through Epic allows you to play the game directly from the Epic Games Store app or from a desktop shortcut. Just like when users play Riots games via Steam, this way people don’t have to open the Riot client themselves and go to the game they want.

Game user data associated with your Riot Games account. Therefore, users who are already playing one of these games can transfer their saved data if they install the game via the Epic Store. The friends list is also associated with this account and is therefore also transferred.

The addition of these games is part of a partnership between Epic and Riot to promote the upcoming Netflix animated series Arcane. This series comes out on Sunday It is based on League of Legends. As another part of this campaign, Jinx was removed from the LoL franchise on Thursday Added in Fortnite.

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