Queen Máxima lands in California without Willem-Alexander

Queen Máxima lands in California without Willem-Alexander

The Government Information Service reported last week that King Willem-Alexander had decided, on medical advice, to cancel his trip to the United States. He suffers from pneumonia.

Air travel can hinder full recovery from pneumonia. RVD Books In a press release.

California and Texas

Queen Máxima decided to travel. She visits California and Texas and is away for four days. After landing in San Francisco, she met the mayor of the city today.

Máxima will also visit the Castro today with people committed to equal rights for LGBT people. Tonight you will speak at a reception at San Francisco City Hall.

On RTL Boulevard, it was discussed last week that Maxima will take over the duties of Willem-Alexander during the working visit:

The original program stated that after San Francisco, the royal couple will also visit Austin and Houston. When it became clear that Willem-Alexander could not come, RVD reported that the exact program would become clear later.

with ministers

The Queen has traveled to the United States with a number of ministers. They are accompanied by Minister Schrenmacher (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation), Minister Kuipers (Public Health), Minister Dejgraf (Education) and State Minister Heijnen (Infrastructure and Water Management).

Much of the working visit focuses on economic relations between the Netherlands and the states of California and Texas. There will also be talks on climate, energy, water management and (biomedical) science.

For the first time since 2015

It is the first time since 2015 that the Queen has traveled to the United States on a working visit. That year they met, among others, then-President Barack Obama. Team Orange did not visit when Republican Donald Trump was president. A meeting with current President Joe Biden has not been scheduled during this business trip.

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