Queen Máxima christens two Royal Wagenborg ships during DelfSail – Eemskrant.nl

Queen Máxima christens two Royal Wagenborg ships during DelfSail – Eemskrant.nl

Delfziel – On Friday afternoon, Queen Máxima named two ships belonging to the shipping company Koninklijke Wagenborg during her visit to DelfSail in Delfzijl. This ceremony took place on the second day of the DelfSail Marine Festival.

The Queen arrived at the port of Delfzijl at around one o’clock in the afternoon, where she was received by King’s Commissioner René Bass, Mayor Ben Visser, and the directors of Royal Wagenburg. The Shantykoor Magellan Singers from Delfzijl provided a musical welcome to the royal visit.

After her arrival, Maxima spoke for the first time with shipbuilders who were involved in building the ships. She then christened the two new ships built at the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard in Delfzijl. The ships bear the royal names Máxima and Alexia and are intended for transporting products such as paper, steel and grain.

The group then toured the port. As people waved loudly to the Queen from the sidewalk.

The naming ceremony was one of the highlights of the second day of the DelfSail exhibition, where visitors could enjoy a variety of marine activities and displays.

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