Prospecting, unknown and inconvenient process

Prospecting, unknown and inconvenient process

It aims to start a conversation about how to break out of our beliefs and patterns of thinking and take creative risks in an unpredictable world. The one who finished his management book with “Go warm your hands, it’s time.” Kees Telema wrote a book about quarries. No. 4 in Top 100. Ungrooving, what is this, why is it important that we discuss in this episode of Werkprofessor.

Prospecting, unknown and inconvenient process

Kis Telema is co-founder and partner at Het Zuiderlicht Management Consultants. He specializes in efficiency issues in which both the “economics” and the “sociology” of organizations are related. Case also serves as a lecturer for the Executive Masters in Finance and Control at the University of Groningen.

Student’s theory of fragility

“This theory motivated me to apply it in my own field and focus on organizational science,” Case says. According to Kees, our response to weakness is to make things strong. This is also evident in practice and in leadership processes and can work against us. How do you know this? And what is required to prevent it? Kiss says.

Seven issues of scientific knowledge of business

“If you want to hack patterns, you have to be able to skip the flag from time to time.” Insurgency is a basic concept for leaders in organizations. Kiss asked the questions in different organizations: “What kind of problems are you actually facing? And what are these issues?” In the end, this resulted in seven issues. Hear more about this in the episode.

See also  LTO upholds the importance of scientific evaluation of resources


More About Kis Telema

the book reveal

On Zuiderlicht Management Consulting

More about the work professor

Do you have questions or input? Please contact Wendy van Ierschot via [email protected]

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