Princess “Hostage” Latifa is also a potential target of the Pegasus spyware
The phone number of Princess Latifa of Dubai also appeared in the list of potential targets of the Pegasus spyware. nice she “hostage” The daughter of the emir of Dubai, who in the past accused him of several things including torture and tried to stay away from him.
Latifa tried to escape on a boat in 2018, but was stopped. It was not clear how her escape attempt was discovered at the time. Washington Post Now reports indicate that numbers Latifah and her friends appeared on the list of potential targets in the days and hours after the start of her escape attempt.
In recent days, international media such as The Guardian, The Washington Post and Le Monde have widely reported on the Israeli company’s Pegasus spyware. NSO . group. The software, which the company says is aimed at tracking terrorists and criminals, may also have been used to unlock phones heads of statejournalists and activists.
Princess come on
International news agencies are investigating a list of about 50,000 phone numbers that Pegasus may have targeted. The NSO Group denied that the people on the list had been monitored.
Also mentioned in the list is the name of Princess Haya, one of the six wives of the Emir of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. She escaped Dubai in 2019 and her number was also put on the list during the time of that trip.
“Pop culture enthusiast. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Analyst. Student. Explorer.”