Pipeline hacked, pump panic

Pipeline hacked, pump panic

In the southeastern United States, self-deprecators are on the rise. This results in long lines to refuel, and in some places even petrol is completely gone. Panic ensued through a pipeline called the Colonial Pipeline that was hacked by cybercriminals.

Emergency Commands

“In seven major states on the U.S. East Coast, there are queues at pumps or fuel is being sold,” says John Postma, a U.S. correspondent in Washington. In the state of Georgia, ten to twenty percent of the pumps are empty, while in North Carolina and Virginia the emergency regulations are to carry fuel by train or truck. In Georgia, taxes on fuel will be temporarily reduced to cope with the rapid rise in prices. ‘

Russian hackers

The colonial pipeline is a type of fuel aqueduct that carries 45 percent of the fuel to the eastern United States. Postma already saw people with Jerry cans, according to the reporter, the first fights had already erupted. “The last time petrol was so expensive was in 1998.”

The colonial pipeline was probably hacked by the Russian party Dark Side. This is not very clear, as President Biden says it is not Putin who is behind it, but rather the criminals who act on their own and want ransom money. “It shows how vulnerable that vital infrastructure is to these types of attacks.”

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