Pia Dawes: “It’s exciting to give up control in the final looking for Maria” | right Now
There are only three candidates left I’m looking for Maria, Which is the main actress for sound of Music Is being searched for. The choice is entirely up to the public, so the head of the jury, Pia Dawes, can let go of the reins altogether. She finds this very interesting, she says in a conversation with NU.nl.
“The audience chooses, which is exciting for people in our profession,” says Dawes, who himself has played leading roles in musicals such as Elizabeth in a Chicago. “You’re totally giving up control, so you hope people look more closely at where quality lies.”
Candidates Nandi, Tessa and Natasha reached the final. Dawes sees other qualities in the three that fit well with Mariah’s role. The musical actress explains, “Natasha is really disarming, a sponge that sucks and transforms everything. Maria is twinkling. She has grown like a treasure and has really evolved in an amazing way.”
“We saw Tessa for the first time as a princess, but we have seen her do a lot of different things. She has also shown other qualities and is warm, also in her voice. She also has femininity that comes in handy for Mariah in love. Nandi has such purity and openness, she really is at the moment.” It is Maria who is brave and almost amazed at what is happening to her. “
Dawes says a lot of people find Mariah to be good and tidy. “But she is actually very attentive and has a tremendous zest for life. She is honest in everything she does. You can see that a lot in the three girls. Maria starts out as Tomboy And she grows into a young woman, an educator who keeps the children in class in a fun way and shows them the joy of life. Then she becomes a woman and a wife who takes care of matters by herself. He could play all three well. “
The three finalists: Nandi, Natasha and Tessa.
‘I had to do my part for a moment’
Dawes was also a member of the jury for the previous series, but for the first time she served as chair of the jury. “I had to get in there for a while, I’m very used to sitting in that other place. Previously I had a jury coaching role and worked with the candidates. Now I look at them more objectively and that was a good challenge. Coach role and commitment, that’s easier, Now I had to go further because I made the final decision. “
This is not necessary in the final. With the audience initially deciding which nominees ended up singing, then Doyce took the lead, viewers are now making the final choice. “There’s a load on my shoulders, haha. That’s very exciting, but especially for the candidates. Just like in the test: only one passes. But then for the entire Dutch audience.”
Of course Dawes will comment on the performances, mainly trying to advise the audience. “I think it is important to be able to create a TV where you can provide accurate comments, where no one is identified. Of course you have to be critical, but as usual I will try to watch very intuitively and in a positive way I draw their qualities. Now for the audience.”
Conclusion I’m looking for Maria It can be seen on NPO1 on Sunday evening at 8.30pm in AVROTROS.
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