‘Perhaps Ridouan Taghi can stand for election from prison.  If it can be done in America, it can be done here’ – Jupp

‘Perhaps Ridouan Taghi can stand for election from prison. If it can be done in America, it can be done here’ – Jupp


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Kiki Schippers is a little worried ahead of the upcoming elections, she says on Monday’s D News PV. It’s confusing to have Caroline van der Plas on the posters for the BBB, Bontenbal on the CDA, Peter Omtzigt with the Social Contract Party or something like that, but no one wants to be prime minister. ‘Wonderful idea, isn’t it? You’re going to vote, but somebody doesn’t want to,’ says Schippers.

Maybe we should move to a new system, she thinks. For example, we will vote based on books, Omtzigt is already ready. Or a business cabinet with people who know something.

A horn on the head president, because I get it. That there is a need. Not in a political sense, but an entertainment idea, an election, a talent show. Let’s ask John de Mole to organize a presidential election. Let us separate the executive branch and the legislature like in the US. We are the first republican monarchy. Then Omtzigt can continue to pump his red Bic pens and Carolyn can put people behind a trigger on a regional level. For example, Brules can participate in a refugee boat, and Mona Kaiser can participate without a party. Or Ridouan Taghi from prison. Yes, if it can be done in America, it can be done here.’

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