Online debate entitled “An Evening of Propaganda” on Journalism in Times of Disinformation / Filmedia

Online debate entitled “An Evening of Propaganda” on Journalism in Times of Disinformation / Filmedia

On Wednesday March 24th, KRO-NCRV will be organizing the discussion online directly from De Balie in Amsterdam Publicity evening On journalism in times of disinformation. Programmakers, scholars, and critics discuss the challenges and pitfalls faced by journalists.

You can also watch the event, which starts at 7:30 PM

Topics and excerpts from KRO-NCRV episodes Hype Acts as a catalyst for conversations about media, truth, and mistrust. In six episodes, propaganda investigated misinformation and misinformation, alternative facts and facts, deception and fake news. Who is spreading this disinformation, what are their interests and what do they want to achieve with it?

The discussion evening consists of three different dialogues: one on the relationship between science and journalism with Maurice de Hond, a post-episode conversation about hate video bloggers about the responsibility of social media companies, and a conversation with Martin Van Damme (board member). NPO directors on the future of journalism in times of fake news and conspiracy theories. Earlier this month, Van Damme published an opinion piece in Trouw newspaper about the disruptive impact of conspiracy theories and deepfake technology on our democracy.

KRO-NCRV Press Editor Henk van der Aa says the debate was a great step in that discussion: “The debate on social media is escalating, people are withdrawing into their trenches on the Internet. Everyone can create their own platform or choose their own media to publish news and facts. “The media plays an important role in this, but also to take responsibility. We should not hide in an ivory tower as well, but we want to be transparent about the journalistic choices.”

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The leader of the debate on the evening of debate is journalist Martin de Grieve. Viewers can respond directly to statements and ask questions via the site.

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