On June 12, 2023, WSH is organizing a lecture on the launch of the moon rocket Artemis in the state of Florida, USA.

On June 12, 2023, WSH is organizing a lecture on the launch of the moon rocket Artemis in the state of Florida, USA.

Photo: René Esser

Another interesting lecture by WSH. From now on, focus on our new location, Vlijmen Library.

About the Artemis rocket launch on June 12, Mr. Rob V. Mecklenburg will present. He has international accreditation to attend NASA presentations and launch events, among others in the state of Florida, USA.

There were 2 attempts to launch the moon rocket Artemis, including the Orion capsule, in August and September 2022. He participated in these launches and was revived in the 1960s. He will show the origin of his visual material through a power point presentation. He spoke with André Kuipers, a Dutch astronaut/cosmonaut who attended the launches at the invitation of ESA. The lunar rocket was jointly developed by NASA/ESA, with ESA producing the Orion capsule and service module. Finally, Artemis I was successfully launched on November 16, 2022 and flew around the Moon without any significant problems. Amazing photos were taken. And Orion will land again in the Pacific Ocean on December 11, 2022.

After a journey of more than 2 million km, this launch has provided the knowledge needed to land humans on the moon at a later stage. If you want to learn more about future moon missions, come to this exciting presentation, and of course there will be an opportunity to ask questions. On October 8, WSH will already be 5 years old. By then more attention will be paid to this first lustrum. But we request not only members but also other interested parties to shoulder their shoulders to make this a successful event. You have time to do a lot for WSH like contribute to the board, join a cozy club of people who organize a nice monthly evening for members and all other interested parties.

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The meeting will be held on 12th June, walking at 7.45pm and starting at 8.00pm. Please note: Heimkundegring has recently relocated due to relocation. Location: Willijmen Library Address: Burgmeister Schwansweg 2 5251 CJ Willijmen.

For more information about WSH, visit the WSH-Heusden website.

Not a member yet, no problem, still welcome to meet you in an evening, as always, coffee is very hospitable “you too” yes and in the library !!!

But if you are not a member yet, membership in the Heimkundegring Onsenurt costs only 25,- Euro per year and you are already a member !!! Of course you can register as a working group member of WSH. A small contribution is asked from each viewer
From Euro 3,-. No registration required. I cordially invite you as the President of WSH !!! Thanks to Rob v.Mackelenbergh, the working group is part of the Heemkundekring Onsenoort.
Rene Esser President WSH

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