Netherlands Meteorological Institute warns of faster sea level rise |  science and planet

Netherlands Meteorological Institute warns of faster sea level rise | science and planet

In line with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a team of climate scientists of the United Nations, KNMI has demonstrated that the climate in the Netherlands is also changing faster and faster. “This report highlights the urgent need for the rapid evolution of climate change,” said the institute, which combined the insights of the IPCC and its research findings.

If greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming are not reduced quickly, sea levels could rise to 1.2 meters by the year 2100. If the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet accelerates, the rise could reach two meters by the end of this century. quantities. In 2014, KNMI calculated an increase of a maximum of one meter.

KNMI also expects more intense summer rain to be “more intense,” with a greater chance of wind, which can occur during severe thunderstorms. Drought is also an increasingly recognized problem in spring and summer. This can also often happen due to high temperatures.

Periods of drought and heat can last longer. This is because the jet stream may become weaker due to climate change. The jet stream is a very strong wind at a height of 9 to 10 km. As the temperature differences between the poles and the tropics decrease, the jet stream may also decrease in strength. As a result, the same type of weather can last much longer.

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