Netflix offers “Play Something” shuffle – IT Pro – News

Netflix live streaming service begins today with the introduction of the worldwide new shuffle function “Play Something”. Through this feature, users are given a chosen title based on their viewing history, viewing preferences, and saved movies and series.

from ‘Run Something’-knop It will soon be found in the navigation bar on the left side of the TV interface, as well as in the 10th row on the Netflix home page and under each user’s profile name. When a user clicks on the “Play Something” function, the streaming service’s algorithm will choose a movie or series based on the user’s viewing history, preferences, and saved titles. Movies and series can also be submitted. When a viewer is not satisfied with a Netflix suggestion, they can click the “Play Something Else” button to get a new suggestion.

Netflix is ​​already testing the shuffle function Since the middle of last year On its TV apps. During the presentation of the quarterly numbers at the beginning of this year Has been confirmed The streaming service that will actually launch the feature during the first quarter of 2021.

Greg Peters, Chief Operating Officer at Netflix, stated that many users using the service “don’t know exactly what they want to watch.” With the shuffle function, the company wants to “provide a solution for people who want to skip browsing,” it was said at the time.

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