Michael Collins, a “forgotten astronaut” has died from the first moon landing

Michael Collins, a “forgotten astronaut” has died from the first moon landing

His family announced his death. He says Collins spent his last days peacefully with his family by his side. “We know how happy Mike was with the life that he lived. So we will hear his dying wish to celebrate this life and not mourn.”

The only man

Commander Neil Armstrong and fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin were placed on the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969. Collins had to wait in lunar orbit while his colleagues descended. He lived there alone, 402,250 kilometers from Earth and two miles of his peers. Collins has been dubbed “the most lonely man in history,” writes Stephen Gorshik, NASA Executive Director. The current situation.

Hundreds of millions of people saw on TV that Armstrong was the first human to enter the moon. He said, “A small step for a person, a big step for humanity.”

21 hours on the moon

Armstrong and Aldrin spent more than 21 hours on the lunar surface. On July 24, the capsule fell with them and Collins in the Pacific Ocean. After welcoming the heroes to their country, they went on a world tour.

Armstrong passed away in 2012 at the age of 82. Collins said at the time that he would miss Armstrong greatly. Aldrin is 91 years old and lives in the United States. He wrote in response on Twitter that he would miss Collins. “Wherever you are, you will always have the flames to subtly take us to great heights and into the future. We will miss you.”

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With Collins’ death, the United States is losing a true pioneer, NASA Administrator Stephen Jurchick wrote. “As an Apollo 11 pilot, he helped our nation reach a milestone.”

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