Maureen was not allowed to see Bachelor Thomas after the last rose ceremony

Maureen was not allowed to see Bachelor Thomas after the last rose ceremony

However, her last hours in Mexico were one of the most beautiful, she said during the conversation. “I had to wait in a room for their scenes to be filmed and you’re so emotional, it’s all very intense. But then Barbara, the psychologist, comes into the room and asks if I want to have another drink with the crew.”

When Maureen arrived, she received a warm welcome from the crew. “I think this is the best moment I’ve ever had there.”

Meryl saw them, and the next morning she returned to the hotel where Indigo and Asha also slept. “Then we fell into each other’s arms crying and talked for a long time about her date and my date and talked about everything, because we had the idea that we didn’t want to see each other – when we really wanted to. Then it was already said and then you all came home together,” she says. .

“I’m glad it worked. I’m glad it worked. It’s been a long time, so my feelings have been processed for a long time. I’m just happy that things are going well.”

Fabrizio also talks extensively about it in his podcast Unmarried-Adventure. Listen in full below:

all episodes BSC Look back at Videoland.

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