Matisse van Neukirk cries: ‘This was not the intention’ |  stars

Matisse van Neukirk cries: ‘This was not the intention’ | stars

In the quartet, chanson lovers Matisse and Rob wander the streets of Paris, as the pair delve into the past of the French interpreters of Song of Life. On a talk show jink A number of fragments were shown on Wednesday evening, from which, among other things, it can be seen that the two are visiting the grave of Charles Aznavour, who died in 2018.

“I didn’t feel like it,” Matisse says of this on the table in Eva Jennick. “Look, you’re not alone in one grave. That’s it. So when I’m standing at Aznavour’s grave, I’m actually standing at the graves of a number of other people too—I feel, including my mother’s. I did. Not because I regret it, because it was Part of the programme. Music is a time machine and music is much more than just music.”


As Mathis was walking to the grave with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, he said, “When I was asked if I wanted to write a column, because I had become more famous on television, I thought: Yes, there are indeed many columns, and my mother had just passed away, may I speak of Charles Aznavour every week? That was honored. Then I really did my best. Then I listened to it and read it more.”

When Rob pointed out that the column was “actually a kind of poem” to his mother, Mattis said, “Well, it’s not a ‘kind of poem,’ I lit a candle every day, you can say. Yeah I accept. That’s it for me. However, I note. …”

At first feeling a little uncomfortable, Rob, who has become known as the party formation singer Snollebollekes, then puts his hand on the shoulder of his sobbing companion.

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(The text continues below the image.)

“Very special”

“In all those years on TV we’ve never seen you like this,” Jenk says. “New. No that’s right. It surprised me, to be honest,” Matisse replies humbly. We also stopped shooting for a while, because that was not the intent. I immediately said: We’re not going to broadcast this guys. This is very special. In fact, let’s be honest. But after careful consideration, and also after watching the editing, I thought: Yes, it is a part of it too.”

Rob: “We make four episodes, and we laugh a lot too. But Matisse makes it clear that Aznavour’s voice probably represents more than 24 things in his life. And if anyone can explain that well, it’s Matisse van Neukirk. So he explains it very beautifully, so that You also understand as a viewer that a song of songs can mean more than just a beautiful melody, a beautiful text, or a very beautiful voice. It was a beautiful, personal, honest story and the part is all we want to make.”

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