Martin Koning still angry with Eva Genk: ‘Unreliable whore’

Martin Koning still angry with Eva Genk: ‘Unreliable whore’

Martin Koning isn’t done with Eva Genk yet. He continues to criticize the announcer, with whom he is at odds. The comedian calls her an “unreliable bitch”.

Eva Genk and Martin KoningO NPO, RTL

Eva Jinek ended up with Martijn Koning for good after the infamous broadcast of her talk show in which he chased Thierry Baudet out of the studio. The politician angrily walked away from the table last March, and Eva blamed him for it. The comedian has had to go into hiding for a week and has been getting revenge for nine months now. Every week he puts Eva in the iron somewhere else.

Unreliable whore

What was Eve accused of at the beginning of the month? to share a bed With Thierry, Martin now drags her through the mud in the Christmas edition of de Volkskrant. The on-duty detective confronts Martijn with the fact that he calls Eva an “unreliable bitch” in his performance.

Yes, Martin agrees. “At first it was ‘unreliable,’ but I thought that was too hard and too bad. I’d say there’s been an incident on her show, with and with Budt and with Evji or as I call her the unreliable bitch. That’s also gross, but still possible.” Do you want more coffee?”

Eva Brown

Martin also calls her Eva Braun. That was Adolf Hitler’s girlfriend. “My dad does that.”

Many people think Martijn goes too far on this. “Which can. Nothing happened. This constant feeling of insecurity. People who threaten me. My career is in decline. RTL Nieuws issued as a statement, an official press release, that I cannot be trusted. You cannot work with me. I am over it.”

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difficult guest

Martin says that’s not true. “That’s what it was said, if true: Well. But the opposite is true. I’m a strong man, sure, but I did what I was asked: Broadcast shut my way. Jinek and RTL chose me for it.”

“It was always said that no one at RTL knew what I was going to do on that broadcast. That I had committed a burglary. I said: It’s Eva’s program. If Eva wanted to read it, she could. That didn’t happen.”


Volkskrant’s great interview with Martijn Koning, by interviewer Paul Onkenhout, You can read here.

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