Martijn starts a signature campaign to bring Disc Golf to Stadskanaal

Martijn starts a signature campaign to bring Disc Golf to Stadskanaal

Martijn starts a signature campaign to bring Disc Golf to Stadskanaal
Disc golf in nature. | Image: own image

STADSKANAAL – Martijn Knegt started a signature campaign to open a Disc Golf course in Stadskanaal: “Disc Golf looks like golf, but then we do it with Frisbees that we call discs. The goal is to throw the disc into a basket in as few throws as possible. The player who needed the least The number of throws in the course is the winner.

Martijn now travels to Groningen and Heerenveen to practice his beloved sport, but hopes to be able to do it soon in his Stadskanaal: ‘I’d like to bring Disc Golf to Stadskanaal, but so far it hasn’t worked out. There must be money to build a course. This is difficult if people don’t know what the sport involves, but they also don’t because there is currently no track. It’s a chicken and egg idea. So now I’ve started a signing campaign to see if there’s enthusiasm for her at Stadskanaal’.

We’ve been working on the petition for two days and it’s now been signed 150 times. We have mainly prepared this campaign because we are busy applying for funds so that we can show that there is an application for support in the municipality. The course will consist of 13 holes and will cost around 38,000 euros.

emerging sport

According to Martin, Disc Golf is an emerging sport in the Netherlands: “It’s not a major sport in the Netherlands at the moment. It originated in America in the 1970s and 1980s and slowly came that way. In recent years, the sport has grown in the Netherlands.

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“In this sport you mainly play against yourself. If you want to improve you have to work on yourself. You can’t influence your opponent. You can also enjoy being outside in nature. In the Netherlands we currently have three different competitions. Amateur, Junior and National Tour. Last year She finished fourth in the amateur competition.

I hope we can achieve that this year

Knegt hopes the course will be ready soon: ‘Hopefully this year we’ll be able to put the first baskets in the ground. In the first place we will be organizing regular throwing evenings. In the beginning we offer a number of clinics where we invite players who can teach something to beginners.

Petition link: Help Stadskanaal get a disc golf course! – Petition 24. nl

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