Many elderly people are not vaccinated: ‘Too many obstacles’

Many elderly people are not vaccinated: ‘Too many obstacles’

Vaccinating the elderly stumbles, says KBO Brabant chief Leo Bishop. “It is not the case that the elderly do not want to be vaccinated, but it is difficult for them which makes them drop out. This is very unfortunate,” he said on Sunday on talk show Crack from Omrop Brabant. At least 30 percent of the elderly now ignore vaccination, which is a higher percentage than vaccinations against other diseases.

The first hurdle older adults have to overcome is confusing reports about vaccinations. The president of the Catholic Association for the Elderly says: “As long as Corona continues to call some severe influenza or doubts the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, this does not stimulate the need for vaccinations.”

In addition, the logistics of setting an appointment is unnecessarily complicated. The chairman explains that “there should be more seamless cooperation between the national registration point once you receive a call for vaccination and the local injection sites”. “People are now told that they have to travel for some time because there is no place in the neighborhood, while there is room. People have to travel because of this, while this is not necessary if communication is better organized nationally and regionally.”

To set a good example Leo was photographed when he was vaccinated. “I did not suffer from anything. He was not hurt. I hope this gives confidence that the vaccination is for a good reason. The elderly are especially vulnerable when they get sick from Corona.”

In addition to confidence, planning is also important for seniors. “I have piles of mail from elderly people who drop out of school because of these troubles. They have no one to transport them or because of their disability, they have to be transported in an ambulance to the vaccination point.”

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The height of the annoyance he found in the phone conversation he had with her. RIVM said there was no place in Den Bosch. There was also a relative of the Sheikh Da’i. This family member works for GGD Den Bosch and was sure to find a place. “The lines should be shorter as this creates unnecessary trouble.”

Nationwide, the desire to be vaccinated is 77%, with the desire increasing as people get older. Consequently, more than 30% of the elderly are now dropping out of school which is remarkable. Therefore, Leo Bishop’s has weekly consultations with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports to reduce the obstacles facing the elderly. “I suggested giving the elderly a special phone number with which they can make an appointment in the area. Those who call that number will be the priority. I will hear next week if this number will be available.”

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