Live World Cycling Championship |  Van Bell on his way to time trial, Sintmaartensdijk in, Lavreysen seeking third gold |  sports

Live World Cycling Championship | Van Bell on his way to time trial, Sintmaartensdijk in, Lavreysen seeking third gold | sports

The final day of the World Track Cycling Championships has arrived. On the last day there are still a lot of disciplines in the program, where the necessary medals can be obtained. Furthermore, the men’s under-21 road time trial is also on the program with Dutch entries. Follow developments in Glasgow via our live blog below.

The Dutch are on the way

3:30 p.m | Time Trial Promises (m) | With Loe van Belle and Roel van Sintmaartensdijk

The Dutch in combat on the track

6:38 p.m | omnium(v), zero | With Mike van der Duyn
7:01 p.m | Kirin (m), Quarterfinals | With Harrie Lavreysen, Jeffrey Hoogland, and Tijmen van Loon
7:19 p.m | Omnium(v), tempo | With Mike from Duin
7:41 p.m | Kirin (m), semi-final | Maybe with Harry Lafresne, Geoffrey Hoagland, and Tijmen van Loon
7:58 p.m | omnium (v), elimination | With Mike van der Duyn
8:15 p.m | Point average (m) | With Yuri Hook
9:11 p.m | Kirin (m), final | Maybe with Harry Lafresne, Geoffrey Hoagland, and Tijmen van Loon
9:21 p.m | Omnium (v) | Points Race – with Mike van der Duyn


Sint Maartensdijk He finished his time trial. He is currently twelfth, Good two minutes Behind the fastest: Lorenzo Milesi.


Bill Van Low He also began his time trial.


Sint Maartensdijk He’s been on the road for a while and is on his way to finishing somewhere in the top 5 of the time trial for U23. Van Bell will start in about 20 minutes.

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Trial time promises

The time trial of promises officially began. He goes Loe van Belle and/or Roel van Sintmaartensdijk Coming home with the Medal of Honor? Sint Maartensdijk He is on his way now. from Bill Starts at 5 pm (Netherlands time)


Good afternoon and welcome to the live blog for day five of the Cycling World Championships in Glasgow. Another medal chance for the Netherlands today.

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