Let’s talk about the ease of wreath: this is allowed and this is not allowed (yet)

Let’s talk about the ease of wreath: this is allowed and this is not allowed (yet)

The relaxation package will go into effect on March 3 and will apply until at least March 15. Schools may reopen from March 1. On Monday, March 8, the Cabinet will take stock of the measures that will be necessary from March 16. We have listed for you what is now permissible and (unfortunately) not yet.


This is allowed Okay:

  • Secondary school pupils are allowed to go to school at least one day per week from March 1.
  • MBO students are allowed to go to school one day per week.

This is allowed Not:

  • Bringing your children to care outside of school, as this leads to additional contact between students from different schools.

Communication professions

This is allowed Okay:

  • Make an appointment with contacts like a hairdresser, masseur, and beautician.
  • Take driving lessons and take a practical exam.

This is allowed Not:

  • To solarium, because tanning salons do not fall under contact professions.
  • Return to sex work.


This is allowed Okay:

  • Exercise outdoors with more than two people if you are under the age of 26.
  • Doing sports with your own team, inside your club.

This is allowed Not:

  • Competitive sports.

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This is allowed Okay:

  • Starting March 3, a maximum of two consumers per floor, shop by time, provided you register four hours in advance.

This is allowed Not:

  • A day of shopping and fun shopping.


This is allowed Not:

  • As of March 15th at 4:30 AM, it is still prohibited to go out between 9:00 PM and 4:30 AM.
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This is allowed Not:

  • Travel to the Netherlands from the United Kingdom, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.


This is allowed Okay:

  • Receive 1 guest maximum of 13 years old or over per day

This is allowed Not:

  • Visit another person more than once a day.

Basic rules

Because of the potential risks involved in relaxation, the government wants to observe the ground rules for now. Consider washing your hands, sneezing into your elbow, and wearing a mouth mask. Work at home and don’t go out unless you have to. Also maintain a distance of 1.5 meters, avoid crowded places and test and stay indoors with light complaints. After a positive test, isolate your roommates.

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