Lawyer Van Oosten asks the dean to take disciplinary measures against his former partner Khaled Qassem

Lawyer Van Oosten asks the dean to take disciplinary measures against his former partner Khaled Qassem

Khaled Qassem in the study in which the BNNVARA program was recorded

Khaled Qassem in the study in which the BNNVARA program “Khaled and Sophie” was recorded, on the Amsterdam Vesterjasfabrik website.Photo by Lex van Lieshout/ANP

Qasim decided to temporarily stop hosting a talk show on Friday Khaled and Sufi. He did so after it was published in advertisement. That newspaper reported that Peter R. was De Vries, with whom he ran a law firm, admitted bribing a government employee for €8,000. He is said to have paid money to an official of the Judicial Institutions Agency (DJI) with the aim of releasing a client earlier.

The newspaper relies on four recordings of conversations between De Vries and Qasim, and it is not clear how the newspaper obtained them. Qasim denies bribing any official.

And in the recordings of that advertisement Listen to how Qasim defends himself by saying that bribery was rampant in Van Oosten's office, where he worked until 2012. “These types of practices…not to justify them, but at Van Oosten we did nothing but these types of tricks.” To take out these kind of people sooner or to help them,” Qasim reportedly said.

Law firm “smeared”

Gertjan van Oosten actually denied the practices on Friday, telling the newspaper: “I stress that we would never tolerate such behavior and it would have resulted in immediate dismissal with notification to the dean.” advertisement.

Now the lawyer is calling on the Dean of the Amsterdam Bar Association to initiate disciplinary proceedings against Qasim. Van Oosten believes Qasim “tarnished” his name and the names of his office colleagues and “damaged the reputation of the entire criminal legal profession,” he wrote in a statement.

Disciplinary proceedings can be initiated if a lawyer has violated his or her professional rules. If the complaint remains substantiated, the Dean's Disciplinary Board may reprimand, suspend, or remove an attorney from office.

It was announced earlier that the Dean of the Amsterdam Bar Association was conducting an investigation after it was published in advertisement. The Judicial Institutions Department is also investigating this case.

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