Lauren (28) died: “If your life is no longer a gift, you can give it back.”

Lauren (28) died: “If your life is no longer a gift, you can give it back.”

Lauren had multisystem ME and spent most of her time in bed. The disease is progressive and she has completed her treatment. That's why she chose euthanasia. “Then I finally had peace,” she said in the Sunday interview published by RTL Nieuws on December 31. Read that here.

In the interview, she spoke at length about her illness, also to create more understanding. I told her how he destroyed her. She said it's like running a marathon with the worst flu of your life after falling down the stairs.

Over the past four years, I have tried everything to get better. But her condition got worse. “My ME is progressive. I know there are patients who have it worse, who live in the dark, who are always alone with their own thoughts. I don't want that for myself. I find it unbearable enough already. Choosing euthanasia “seems like the best thing that could be done.” To do it for myself. I give myself that peace.”

Haddad card

“When your life is no longer a gift, you can give it back.” This is the text Lauren came up with for her funeral card, which she designed herself. She had the photo at the top of this article made specifically a year ago for the card and coffin.

I read here Blog Which Lauren kept during her illness.

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