Joke: My son has acne scars on his face.  How can we get that away?

Joke: My son has acne scars on his face. How can we get that away?

Jock’s son is now 26, but is reminded daily of his adolescence. At that time, he was suffering from severe acne on his face and upper back. “It’s very shameful and annoying. He has pits and scars all over his face. He’s very insecure about this. You see him less because of his beard, but the pits and scars are still clearly visible on his cheeks. He’s still here. Is there anything I can do to make them less noticeable? ?”

Research doctor in cosmetic dermatology Jetski ulti He has good news for the son of a joke. “Scar formation is one of the common and common consequences of acne. It takes some patience, but there is definitely something that can be done about the ‘pits’ and scars that have formed.”

For deep pits and scars, the deeper layer of skin must be treated. “There are several options, but I think you get the best result with deep peeling or laser treatment. These treatments – in short – ensure the production of new skin. During peeling, skin therapists use an acid that penetrates deep into the skin.”… In your son’s case, I would probably choose peeling Using TCA (trichloro vinegar). “You will need a number of treatments to see an effect.”

For deeper scars, this treatment can be combined with microneedling. This means that the peel penetrates deeper into the skin to treat the scar.

Another route Jock’s son could choose is what’s called a “fractionated laser.” This treatment works as follows: very small holes are made in the skin, so that the scar is destroyed in a controlled manner.

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“After that, the skin will heal better. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how many treatments will be required. You will often see results after the first treatment, but for the best result, you should consider four to six treatment sessions. We also perform both Two treatments treatments in our office Skin care center“.

Prevent acne

For those reading this who are currently suffering from acne, remember: prevention is better than cure. Ultee: “Make sure you seek timely help to get rid of acne properly and quickly. The earlier you start effective treatment, the better. This will eventually prevent you from resorting to scar treatments.”

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