Italian police angry at pink mouth caps: ‘Do not do justice to our military uniforms’ |  abroad

Italian police angry at pink mouth caps: ‘Do not do justice to our military uniforms’ | abroad

Italian police are angry that the Interior Ministry sent them pink masks. Officers refuse to wear them because they do not think they fit the uniform. The union is calling for face masks in neutral colors.

It was a marvelous surprise when boxes with new mouth-lids were emptied out in police stations across Italy; The masks were pink. In, among others, Bologna, Venice and Syracuse in Sicily, officers refuse to wear masks. They say: “Masks do not do justice to uniforms.”

Since the beginning of January, the wearing of a medical mask (FFP2) has been made mandatory in all interior regions of Italy. So two police officers on patrol will have to wear a mask in the car.


Pink detracts from power

Italian Police Association SAP

But pink really thrives on it light blue From cars and dark blue to uniforms, says the police union SAP. The reason why the union asked the chief of police, Lamberto Giannini, for clarification on the extradition. “Based on the oath taken, the uniform shall be worn with decency and respect for the position,” the union wrote in a letter. “Pink detracts from power.”

Neutral colors

The union calls on Giannini to immediately intervene and provide the police with masks in more neutral colors, such as white, blue or black.

On the SAP police union’s Facebook page, reactions to the message were more moderate. Someone writes: “It is important to save it, the color does not matter.” Another: “I didn’t know we had face masks in every shift, or are those things in bags that we can only use if we come into contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus?”

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Since the beginning of the epidemic, the Italian police, especially prison staff, have complained about the lack of protective equipment. Earlier this week, the prison guards’ union complained that the 6,000 FFP2 masks were not enough for all staff.

Neither the Interior Ministry nor police chief Giannini would comment on the report.

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