Iran sends Biden to walk on nuclear reconciliation

Iran does not accept the invitation to talk to the United States about reviving the nuclear deal. It will not negotiate until the Americans lift the sanctions.

The European Union recently called on Iran to sit down with the new US President Joe Biden’s government. He had indicated his desire to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. Under this agreement, Iran would suspend its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. The deal fell apart after US President Donald Trump withdrew his support in 2018.

Iran also showed its willingness to negotiate after Biden took office. But the Foreign Ministry closed the door on Sunday. A spokesman said the talks would only be possible if the United States rejoined the accord and lifted sanctions on Iran. “We are committed to once the sanctions are lifted,” a spokesman in Tehran said. He stressed that Iran would not yield to Western intimidation.

Tehran is keen to get rid of the sanctions because of their dire impact

The refusal came just days after the US airstrikes on Syria. The target was some Iranian-backed Shiite militia. This action was Biden’s first military operation. This came in response to a series of missile strikes in mid-February against American targets in Iraq. It was the work of the pro-Iranian militia.


Iran’s refusal to negotiate with the United States is another indication that the country wants to play hard. And last Tuesday, it announced that it plans to reduce inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency. This happened after the United States failed to honor the proposed deadline for lifting sanctions. Tehran is keen to get rid of the sanctions due to their dire impact on the Iranian economy.

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After boycotting Trump, Iran accelerated uranium enrichment last year, raising concerns that the country is working on developing nuclear weapons. The European Union’s efforts to salvage the 2015 deal were unsuccessful. Despite this, the Iranian regime continues to keep its lines open with France, Germany and the United Kingdom. It can count on the support of China and Russia.

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