“I lost pleasure in many things”

“I lost pleasure in many things”

“These pills made me feel completely lethargic and I didn’t feel like doing anything anymore. I thought it was part of it. I did what I had to do, but it didn’t go well. If my son wanted to play football, I would go out with him, But I preferred to lie on the couch. Feeling mentally drained made me lose pleasure in many things.

Additionally, I had absolutely no feeling that my life was under control, which made me feel extremely frustrated. I did not sound the alarm until two years later. I was looking for an ADHD coach to guide me in planning my schedule to improve daily organization.

“To qualify, I had to be re-diagnosed. There I discussed my feelings of depression, and then it was decided that I would be prescribed another medication for ADHD. A world had opened up for me! I felt like myself again, with the bonus of making my mind calm.

Now I know what life can feel like too. What it’s like to have energy, but not jump around like a headless chicken. Now when I kick the ball with my baby, we have a lot of fun. Life is fun again!

This “finally breaking free of” is in Flair 51-2023. Would you also like to share what you’re glad to finally be free of? Send an email to [email protected].

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