Harry and Meghan demand NYC photos ‘near disastrous haunt’

Harry and Meghan demand NYC photos ‘near disastrous haunt’

The British prince and his American wife “hereby demanded that the Backgrid photography agency immediately hand over to us all the photographs and video clips taken by the paparazzi in the hours following the couple’s departure from the event.” Meghan received an award at the awards ceremony in New York on Tuesday. Afterward, they said they were chased through New York for two hours in an “near-disastrous” chase. According to the taxi driver who drove the couple, that term was a bit exaggerated and it wasn’t too bad how dangerous the trip was.

The photo agency ignores the requirement and points to the fact that it operates differently in America than it might in the UK. “Third parties cannot simply lay claim to someone else’s property, as monarchs can. Perhaps you should speak to your clients and inform them that the English rules of royal prerogative requiring citizens to transfer their property to the Crown have long been rejected by this country. We stand behind our Founding Fathers.”

According to the photo agency, four photographers were on the job. Three of them were in a car and one was riding a bicycle. According to Backgrid, there was no intention of causing stress or harm, as the paparazzi only had a camera at their disposal.

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