Hans Kornelisen and Silvia Holstein never leave each other

Hans Kornelisen and Silvia Holstein never leave each other

We are still in touch. We live close to each other and have mutual friends. Sylvia’s mother owned a wonderful house in Amsterdam, on Prinsengracht Street. Sylvia always had a very big party there during Canal Pride (the boat parade during Gay Pride – ed.). I was there often. Look, I wouldn’t be among them, but I was there first,” says Cornelissen.


Hans still talks to many of his other former colleagues. When I was recently in Koffietijd, I got an app from Monique Rosier. I also have a lot of connections with Carry Tefsen – Mien Dobbelsteen in the series. I invited Fien to the premiere of our musical The Prom. She is the daughter of the late Manfred de Graaf, who played Hans Lansberg on the series. When we did Zeg’ns Aaa on stage, Fien often came up with Manfred. She also lost her mother. When we were organizing the premiere, the idea came to invite her. Went with her boyfriend and I think they had a lovely evening. It is remarkable that after all this time there are still a lot of mutual connections. And it’s also a crazy realization that I said goodbye to both Manfred and Sjokje (Hooymaayer, Dr. Lydie van der Ploeg in the series – ed.)…

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