Gerwin creates stunning and unique photos of a volcanic eruption in Iceland: “It was amazing” |  Abroad

Gerwin creates stunning and unique photos of a volcanic eruption in Iceland: “It was amazing” | Abroad

VideoBelgian landscape photographer Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove created unique photos of the volcanic eruption in Iceland. On Saturday, he managed to reach a lava flow with a gas mask in hand. Fagradalsfjall volcano, about 40 kilometers below the capital Reykjavik, began vomiting lava on Friday evening.

Stephen Allen

Van Nieuwenhove lives in Iceland and also tours for tourists there. When it turned out on Saturday that you could get very close to the volcano, he immediately jumped into the car with his camera and gas mask. Near the volcano, he first walked through a lava field for four hours to get close enough.

“Since the explosion was still relatively quiet, you can get very close to it,” Van Neuenhof told VTM NEWS. “I was actually able to stand next to the lava flow, near the crater. Of course, as safely as possible, with enough distance. It was incredible. The mind flew.”

Life threatening

The photographer wanted to start filming again later, but that was impossible today. “Because of the winds, all the sulfur dioxide gases that come out of the eruption are disrupted in the valley. Approaching it is now risky. Plus, the weather is also very volatile with a lot of wind and snow. Unfortunately, that’s not possible now, but I’ll come back later in The week. An incredible experience. “

Jeroen van Neuenhof. © Screen capture

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