The Scottish ‘heroine’ tosses a sturgeon but remains upright  Abroad

The Scottish ‘heroine’ tosses a sturgeon but remains upright Abroad

A ministerial researcher identified that on Monday. This means Tuesday’s Sturgeon can look forward to the previously announced vote of no confidence.

It’s all about a lawsuit against sturgeon predecessor Alex Salmond. He was suspected of sexual assault, but has since been acquitted. The Scottish government manipulated the investigation, Sturgeon bluntly admitted.

According to Salmond, his former student – now both banned – would also have led to a vendetta against him. The report shows her that.


Although it was an official breach of Parliament’s confidence, the fighting has taken on an overall political character in recent weeks. The Scots will go to the polls at the beginning of May. So far, Sturgeon SNP appears to be getting the majority. If that happened, the Scots would call for a new referendum on the country’s independence. In 2014, 55 percent voted against it, and in 2021 the odds increase.

The pressure on sturgeon is increasing in recent days. She defended herself fiercely and placed all her hopes on this investigation. If he suspects her behavior, dismissal will be inevitable. However, it is possible that the Scottish National Party will not win the election and the desire for a new referendum on independence will disappear.

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