From March 31, all container cargo from Latin America via Chain of Trust without PIN code

From March 31, all container cargo from Latin America via Chain of Trust without PIN code

Shipping companies/ship brokers will release all import containers entering the Port of Rotterdam from Latin America by March 31, 2024 securely and reliably through Chain of Trust without a PIN code. They report that anyone in the logistics chain who is not ready for this in time will not be able to collect their container at the terminal.

“Participating shipping companies/ship brokers will begin connecting their customers and base chains to the trust chain in the fall of 2023. Starting with shipments from Latin America. To provide more preparation time for some parties in the logistics chain – especially for system adjustments. – The deadline for participation is now set for March 31, 2024. Latin Parties with shipments from the United States will be able to use the Internet service if their systems cannot be repaired in a timely manner.

This transition period does not mean postponement. Customers will continue to be connected till March 31, 2024. From that day forward, all shipments from Latin America will be released securely and reliably only through Chain of Trust. Regardless of whether it involves merchant shipping or carrier shipping, containers are collected at Rotterdam deep sea terminals by road, inland shipping or rail. On consultation between the shipping company/shipbroker and the customer, cargo from other shipping areas may also be handled through chain of custody. After all customers with cargo from Latin America are connected to the trust chain by March 31, 2024, shipping companies/shipbrokers will focus on the participation of their first 100 customers in the next phase.”

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chain of trust
Trust Chain is a joint venture between the business community and government agencies for the safe and reliable release and collection of containers in Dutch ports. It first takes place in Rotterdam. From the shipping company/ship broker to the shipper/forwarder and through the carrier, a closed chain of trust is formed. The use of pin codes will be discontinued. Only a carrier authorized by Chain of Trust can pre-announce his arrival at the terminal and collect the container there. The trust chain works mostly through the services of PortBase, the port community organization of Dutch ports.

Bran: chain of trust

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