Formation of an international support committee for teacher Laurens Buijs
Image: Academy Europe
John Bergstra
The committee calls on executive boards, deans, research directors and others involved in the management and governance of Dutch universities, including the education minister, to take a “strong” stand against such measures. Critical Students are free to relate critically to the opinions of their lecturers or to the opinion of the majority in science. They can also contribute to science, for example, writing an article themselves or engaging in a discussion in a working group. But public calls for exclusion, cancellation, dismissal, boycotts or other coercive measures against their teachers are not part of that, the commission said.
Meanwhile, a new player in the conflict has emerged in the Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and former head of the UvA’s Central Business Council, Jan Bergstra. He says Puig’s case got him interested in issues of gender and sexuality, but Bergstra is not on the support committee. However, he and Puig did write a scholarly article titled “Formal Gender Theory”. Logical Perspective on Dimbrov vs. Pern. The publication, which can be read at the end of this article, will soon be presented to a “leading scientific journal,” according to Bergstra.
The support committee consists of the following scholars:
1. Levin Annemans, Professor of Health and Wellbeing Economics, Ghent University.
2. Michael Bowens, Philosopher, Postdoctoral Academic Assistant, U Antwerp.
3. Baudouin Bouckaert, Professor Emeritus of Law, University of Antwerp.
4. Paul Cleator, Professor Emeritus of Law, Leiden University, UvA alumnus.
5. Matthias Desmet, Professor, Ghent University.
6. Astrid Elbers, linguist, U Antwerp.
7. Meindert Fennema, Professor Emeritus, UvA.
8. Stephen Greer, Director of the Oxford Institute for British Islam, Professor Emeritus, University of Bristol Law School.
9. Romi Hassan, Senior Lecturer, University of Sussex.
10. Eric Jurgens, Professor Emeritus at VU and UM.
11. Andreas Keniging, Professor of Philosophy of Law, Leiden University.
12. Herwig Mannart, Professor, U Antwerp.
13. David Pinto, Professor Emeritus and Director of the Intercultural Institute-ICI, UvA.
14. Peter Sloat, Professor of Complex Adaptive Systems, UvA.
15. Matthias Sturm, Professor at the University of Leuven.
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