Floods in France and Belgium due to heavy rains, and in the Netherlands also it is still wet at the moment |  local

Floods in France and Belgium due to heavy rains, and in the Netherlands also it is still wet at the moment | local

There has been so much rain in Belgium recently that some dams are in danger of collapsing. The coastal area, near the border with France, witnessed flooding throughout the week, especially. Northern France is also facing serious problems, resulting in the closure of hundreds of schools. There is no fear of floods in our country, but we do not have to hope for dry weather at the present time.

Most of the Dutch will have had enough of the rain by now, but anyone who enjoys splashing in puddles will be out of luck next month. However, heavy rains will continue over the next two weeks, Weerplaza knows. Weather models for the next two weeks currently show little change. “The weather will remain wetter than average for the rest of November,” Weerplaza concludes.

We will also get westerly winds with relatively soft air. It won’t get really cold, but the warm Gulf Stream means there’s an extra chance of storms over the Atlantic that could blow our way.

Firefighters pulling sandbags.
Firefighters pulling sandbags. © Claes Daniel

The weather is beautiful in southern Europe, and very bad in the middle

While we are showering, it is noticeably dry in other European countries. Spain, Portugal and Italy experience late summer with clear skies and an average temperature of 20 degrees.

In Belgium and France, wet weather causes serious problems. The soil is already saturated due to rain in recent months. Rivers overflow their banks, inundating fields and even villages. President Emmanuel Macron will travel to the Pas-de-Calais region on Tuesday to speak to flood victims and relief workers.

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In the region, as well as in the Far North, an orange weather code applies; People must be vigilant. Schools will be closed in 279 municipalities on Monday and Tuesday. And it won’t stop anytime soon, because new rain is expected Tuesday afternoon, just like Wednesday night. That won’t be clear until Friday.

In West Flanders, Belgium, the regional disaster plan went into effect a week ago. Volunteers help the fire brigade and the army place sandbags.

When will any part of the Netherlands be flooded? Marcel Bamberg finds out in 360 seconds:

Evacuation plans are ready

It’s exciting in the town of Dixmuide, near the seaside town of Newport, Flemish website HLN writes on Monday. The mayor there is working on a plan in case things get really bad. He added: “We have not had to evacuate anyone yet, but plans are in place. There are dozens of homes and farms at risk of flooding.”

Belgium has been on greater alert for heavy rains since the floods of July 2021. In the Wallonia region, floods destroyed entire villages. 39 people died and thousands were left homeless. In the Netherlands, the area around Valkenburg was flooded.

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