First-time vaccination commitment in the service of the US national government |  abroad

First-time vaccination commitment in the service of the US national government | abroad

The ministry ensures, among other things, that ex-soldiers receive care. The personnel to be vaccinated are health care providers who work directly with patients. Minister Dennis McDonough mentioned doctors, nurses, dentists, and others.

“I do this because it’s the best way to ensure the safety of our veterans,” McDonough told The New York Times. Employees who refuse to be vaccinated are putting their jobs at risk.

Other US governments are also tightening their vaccination policies to stem the spread of the infectious delta variant. New York City has announced that all municipal employees must be tested weekly for the coronavirus starting in mid-September if they have not been vaccinated against Covid-19. Hundreds of thousands of people.

Similar rules will go into effect next month in California, which has the largest population. There, health care workers and state workers must be vaccinated or undergo regular coronavirus checks. “As the largest employer in the state, we are leading by example,” said Governor Gavin Newsom.

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