F1 on the table about Hamilton’s mood in the title fight

F1 on the table about Hamilton’s mood in the title fight

Louis Hamilton / Mercedes AMG F1 / USA Grand Prix / 2021
Photo: Mercedes AMG F1 (Jiri Grenek)

In the new episode of F1 aan Tafel, the weekly ‘Award-winning’ podcast Radio Grand Prize, Table guests discuss the title fight especially with the mood of Louis Hamilton. According to the standard value of the podcast Frans Verschuur, it is very difficult to find the motivation for the eighth world title of seven-time world champion.

Host Mattie Walk considers Hamilton to feel tired and powerless against Max Verstappen in the last few races. Verschuur disagrees, but understands that it can be difficult to find the motivation to finish eighth after seven world titles.

Driving entrepreneur Sebastian Plekmolan disagrees: “It seems to me that you can easily be motivated when you are in the middle of a battle for the title.” Cyclist Nicky Terbstra thinks about this. He believes Britain only saw sports reports during the US Grand Prix and was not depressed.

Louis Hamilton / Max Verstappen / American Grand Prix / Austin / 2021
Photo: Mercedes AMG F1 (Jiri Grenek)

Title fight

Although Verstappen defeated Hamilton in the United States, Versur thinks the title fight is not over yet. Something else could happen and if anything ‘Gemstone-action‘In the upcoming races that will take place, the current world champion will once again take the top spot. “You win if you have a 26-point lead.”

Bleekemolen did not think it was obvious that Red Bull could win in rounds where their car was better than Mercedes. “The whole season has turned upside down and anything can happen. You only see things you’re not expecting this year. “Hamilton may not have seemed thrilled after the race, but he says he’s come to the track every time and express confidence. Had to be satisfied with the place. “When finished he said ‘Ho yes!’ I think it makes sense, “said Derbstra.

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Full episode of F1 aan Tafel, weekly ‘award winning’ podcast Radio Grand Prize, Including a discussion of this area and tire use during racing can be heard here:

Also read: Mattie Walk on Mattie F1: “My goal? Organized chaos ”

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