Amalia doing an internship abroad

Amalia doing an internship abroad

Crown Princess Amalia is currently secretly conducting an internship abroad. RTL Boulevard reported this on the basis of a “golden tip”. But where will you be?

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Where does Amalia do an internship?

The guide on RTL Boulevard could not say where the eldest daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima trains.

Boulevard has a strong suspicion that it is located on one of the islands of Saba or Sint Eustatius because it is “green” for the Netherlands and is a Dutch municipality. She could also be in African Kenya because her father also did an internship there.

But Saba and Sint Eustatius are, of course, small islands, which makes it easy to leak that Amalia is located there. On the other hand, Africa has again become complicated by security.

Another option that Amalia is currently located in is New York, where she can then do an internship at the United Nations. It’s where Máxima also worked in her younger years, and now it’s possible to travel to the US again.

to discover the world

It is no secret that Crown Princess Amalia would like to have internships in companies abroad.

During an interview earlier this year, she let slip that she wanted to spend the gap year she currently has after graduation with “traveling a little bit, discovering the world, doing things I wouldn’t be able to do in twenty years” time. “Training in a cold country” was also an option.

According to RTL Boulevard, the Government Information Service did not want to respond to the rumours.

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