“Europe needs to start thinking more freely, and leaning less on Uncle Joe”

“Europe needs to start thinking more freely, and leaning less on Uncle Joe”

The conference on European integration, which took place on Friday in Van Schindler Hughes out of Potterstroot, was a success. According to the organization it was a day with a clear message.

“This is a very successful day,” says Argen Blom of the GHD Ubbo Emmius Research Association, which organized the conference. “Lectures and workshops were held and it was amazing to have good input from both speakers and participants. There were so many wonderful conversations and discussions about the theme. Flower is a little amazing there.” Yes, I do. As a system, you come up with a scene in advance of how you want to be. If it turns out more than you previously thought, you can be very satisfied.

“It’s sad that no one came from Cronington University.”
The lectures were given by Kirtan Walling of the weekly magazine Elsevier, Arn Boyncomer, a professor at Free University Berlin, and Jab Hoxma of the Klingandale Institute. In addition, there were several MEPs, including Agnes Jongarius of PvdA and Michael Hookeen of JA21. “We had 45 fee visitors. Are we satisfied with that? Yes and no. Yes, if we look at the number. No, we look at diversity. They were mainly students, while we wanted to welcome seniors from the city. It’s sad. I think it’s a missed opportunity. “

More cooperation in the field of trade and assistance requests
During the conference, the situation in the European Union from 1848 to the present was discussed. The most important question is whether countries have become more nationalistic as a result of the EU, or whether they have begun to cooperate more. “The outcome of this day is that each country has its own culture that is very clear, that should be respected, but that also has a big purpose to be considered. There is more cooperation on trade and aid issues.We are on the right track with Europe, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

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“Lean on Uncle Joe’s shoulders”
Along with ‘work to be done’, Bloom also refers to countries that cross borders. For example, Poland. There, national law is placed above European law. And you see it in many countries. There are countries that have been involved in the European Union from the beginning, and then there are the countries that have joined, which very clearly push the limits of what is possible. That is the next task, or the next stage, of how we defend the EU. During the conference it became clear that Europe should begin to think more freely and lean less on Uncle Joe’s shoulders from the United States.

“I’ve definitely achieved something”
Bloom says this is complicated. You heard it during lectures. Job Hoksma explained it in a very surprising way. He said, how do you describe the EU? It is impossible, it is very complicated. He then quoted Frederick Nietzsche. He always said that if you can’t explain it, you should make a game. That’s what Hoksma did, Create a board game on how the EU works. I understand that MEPs take this too, so we can definitely say that we have achieved something.

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